Niedere Tatra/Nízke Tatr - Kompass

Godt kort med næsten alle topografiske detaljer og tegne ruter. Registrer også med symboler for turistattraktioner. Bjerghytter tydeligt vist. Farlige vandreruter er let genkendelige. GPS gældende. Indeholder et tysksprogeligt pjece med information og ruteforslag. Bemærk: dette kort dækker et mindre område, men på et mere detaljeret niveau!
NameNiedere Tatra/Nízke Tatr
Scale1 : 25.000
Product typeVandrekort
Dkr 145.00
forsendelse Forsendelse
fra 65,- kr.

You will recive your order within 3-6 work days, unless otherwise specified.

You are more then welcome to call us if you have any questions.

You can return any item you have bought within 14 days, in both our physical shop or by sending it to us.

About the series:

Kompass - Kompass
An Austrian series of hiking maps. Each map contains everything needed for the outdoor: - Hiking and biking trails with marking for difficulty - Contours and vegetaionformes - Tourist information The maps are clear and easy to read. A booklet with numerous colour photographs outlining the sites and cabins as well as commendable rides, attractions and recreational opportunities comes with some of the maps.

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