Nordamerikanske Fisk - Scandinavian Fishing Year Book

65 af de mest almindelige fisk fra Stillehavet, Atlanterhavet og Nordsamerika's store søer. Mål/vægt angivet.
70 x 100 cm
NameNordamerikanske Fisk
Product typePlanche
Dkr 189.00
forsendelse Forsendelse
fra 65,- kr.
Availability:In stock

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    You can return any item you have bought within 14 days, in both our physical shop or by sending it to us.

    About the series:

    Scandinavian Fishing Year Book - Plancher
    The wall charts are printed on the finest plastic-coated 150 g art paper. All the charts are provided with metal stiffeners and hangers. They measure 70x100 cm.

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