The Universe - A Travel Guide - Lonely Planet

Let Lonely Planet take you further than ever before with the world’s first and only travel guide to the Universe. Developed with the latest data from NASA, we take you from our home on Earth and out into the far reaches of the solar system, then into our neighbouring stars and planetary systems, and finally into the rest of our galaxy and the Universe.

This fascinating journey will help you explore space as you would the world with a Lonely Planet guide. Unique to these pages are wonderful comparisons of Earth with the other worlds of our solar system and even those exoplanets orbiting other stars.

You’ll discover as much as we know about our celestial neighbourhood, and our place in it. In addition to planets and moons, get to know our Sun, explore the asteroid belt and the Kuiper Belt, and learn what lays beyond, in interstellar space. Outside our solar system, travel to some of the notable neighbouring stars, stellar systems and exoplanets we’ve discovered. You’ll understand how we search for planets where life might exist and the stars they orbit.

Finally, discover the edge of the observable Universe. Get to know the structure of the Milky Way as well as an orientation to neighbouring galaxies like the Andromeda Galaxy which is visible from Earth. Then explore other galactic formations and learn about galactic clusters and superclusters. By the end of the book, you’ll have a sense for the structure of the entire Universe as well as some of the big questions we still have as we ponder our place in it.
NavnThe Universe - A Travel Guide
VarekodeSol & Stjernesystemet
ForlagLonely Planet
Kun 1 tilbage
299,00 kr
forsendelse Forsendelse
fra 65,- kr.
Status:På lager

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Lonely Planet - Journeys
Lonely Planet Journeys Lonely Planet bliver trykt i Australien og er en af de mest kende guideserier i verden. De henvender sig særligt til den individuelle rejsende. Journeys er en rejselitteraturserie som fanger et steds ånd, beskriver en kultur, genfortæller en oplevelse eller introducerer en fascinerende livsstil. Skrevet af en blandet gruppe af forfattere, er disse bøger, som kan læses enten under rejsen eller i din yndlings lænestol.

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