Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan & Tajikistan - ITMB Publishing Ltd.

Tourism to the ‘Stans’ is increasing as these former parts of the Soviet Empire find their way in a changing world. This time, we have combined the country with the two other Stans on one side, which makes sense given their shape; then, on the reverse side, we have expanded the artwork to show Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan to good advantage. The map also includes excellent inset maps of Samarkand, Tashkent, Dushanbe, and Bishkek, which I’m sure all are familiar names. Needless to say, all three countries count as ‘adventure’ travel. Facilities are good in major cities, but roads are of an uncertain quality, and accommodations sparse. Still, this is an exceptionally interesting part of the world. The traditional Great Silk Road passed through this region, and to this day Tashkent is a major trading transfer point. Nine points of major interest are included, including the Ark-Citadel dating from 400BC, the Minaret of Kalta-Minor, and the great Caravanserai from the Middle Ages.
NavnUzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan & Tajikistan
Målestok1 : 1,6/1,1 mio.
ForlagITMB Publishing Ltd.
Kun 1 tilbage
125,00 kr
forsendelse Forsendelse
fra 65,- kr.
Status:På lager

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Om serien:

ITMB Publishing Ltd. - An International Travel Map
ITM An International Travel Map Canadisk kortforlag med en omfattende kortproduktion med over 350 kort. Kortene dækker især rejsemål i Latinamerika, Caribien, Afrika, Asien, Nordamerika og Mellmøsten. Samme forlag laver også små atlas i A5 til udvalgte lande/områder. Kortene har en god kartografi, der gør dem let læselige. På kortene er markeret nationalparker, og andre fredede områder, såvel som nationale monumenter.

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