
1:50.000 - 1:125.000

Series 18 driving maps for specially selected, beautiful routes around Norway. The maps are in the scale of 1: 50,000 to 1: 250,000 and contains information about the amazing viewpoints, nature, sights, activities, architecture and dining / accommodations. Each map includes map of the route, Norway map showing road to the route, 5 postcards from the area. The text is in Norwegian, English and German. Nordeca - Nasjonale turistveger Mapseries of 18 titles in scale 1:50.000 to 1:250.000. Text in Norwegian, English & German. Contains: * Detailed map of the route * Norway map showing the way to the route * Five postcards

Price: 225,- kr.

Example of mapcover

Example of selection of the map

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